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Statistics from Apache Gump(TM) show the depth and health of inter-relationships.
Overall project success : 91.30%
Projects | Successes | Failures | Prereqs | No Works | Packages |
138 | 103 (74.64%) | 02 (1.45%) | 10 (7.25%) | 00 (0.00%) | 23 (16.67%) |
Page | Description |
Modules By Elapsed Time | Time spent working on this module. |
Modules By Project # | Number of projects within the module. |
Modules By Dependencies # | Number of dependencies within the module. |
Modules By Dependees # | Number of dependees on the module. |
Modules By FOG Factor | Friend of Gump (FOG) Factor. A measure ofdependability (for other Gumpers). |
Modules By Last Modified | Best guess at last code change (in source control). |
Page | Description |
Projects By Elapsed Time | Time spent working on this project. |
Projects By Dependencies | Number of dependencies for the project. |
Projects By Dependees | Number of dependees for the project. |
Projects By FOG Factor | Friend of Gump (FOG) Factor. A measure of dependability (for other Gumpers). |
Projects By Duration in state | Duration in current state. |
Projects By Dependency Depth | Depth (in dependency tree) of the project. |
Projects By Total Dependency Depth | Total Depth (sum of direct dependencies depths) of the project. |
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