Run| Workspace| Log| Issues| Fixes| Pre-reqs| Stats| XRef| Maven Repository Proxy Log Gump Logo
Project Successes Failures Preq-Failures
ant-1.6.5-pom 15196 7 0 1.00
apr-1-buildconf 11757 52 0 1.00
apr-1-configure 11755 2 52 1.00
cglib 637 0 0 1.00
openssl-1.1.1-configure 7099 3 0 1.00
apr-1-make 11744 11 54 0.99
apr-1-make-install 11736 8 65 0.99
apr-buildconf 19489 59 0 1.00
bootstrap-ant 19527 76 7 1.00
openssl-1.1.1-make 7089 10 3 1.00
openssl-1.1.1-make-install 7073 0 29 1.00
openssl-1.1.1-make-test 7073 16 13 1.00
openssl-3.0.x-configure 3712 2 0 1.00
openssl-configure 11830 4 0 1.00
easymock-parent 13073 107 0 0.99
google-guava-parent 13919 110 0 0.99
tomcat-10.1.x-validate-eoln 2088 2 7 1.00
tomcat-connectors-native 15602 11 0 1.00
gump-test 19413 136 0 0.99
jakarta-regexp 4853 5 42 0.99
openssl-3.0.x-make 3692 20 2 0.99
openssl-make 11793 37 4 1.00
tomcat-native-1.2-3.0.x-buildconf 2647 3 0 1.00
xjavac 19606 3 0 1.00
objenesis-parent 14091 174 0 0.99
openssl-3.0.x-make-install 3679 1 34 0.99
openssl-3.0.x-make-test 3680 12 22 0.99
taglibs-parent 15018 143 0 0.99
tomcat-native-1.2-1.1.1-buildconf 6958 17 50 0.99
tomcat-native-trunk-buildconf 10904 22 53 0.99
xml-xerces 19477 20 114 0.99
ant 19289 107 209 0.98
antunit 18533 45 348 0.98
commons-collections 7926 76 80 0.98
jakarta-servletapi-5-jsp 19246 4 324 0.98
jakarta-servletapi-5-servlet 19265 18 310 0.98
junit 19238 325 42 0.98
org.apache.ant 15535 2 268 0.98
tomcat-migration 4496 7 66 0.98
tomcat-native-1.2-3.0.x-configure 2613 0 37 0.99
tomcat-native-1.2-3.0.x-make 2613 0 37 0.99
tomcat-native-1.2-3.0.x-make-install 2613 0 37 0.99
ant-testutil 19055 73 443 0.97
commons-compress 18037 343 186 0.97
commons-daemon-native 18907 389 103 0.97
commons-daemon-native-buildconf 18961 438 0 0.98
pcre-autogen 15873 302 0 0.98
pcre-configure 15872 145 163 0.98
commons-daemon-native-configure 18913 48 438 0.97
easymock 12854 225 101 0.98
taglibs-standard-spec 14824 197 126 0.98
tomcat-native-trunk-configure 10745 13 221 0.98
tomcat-tc9-validate-eoln 5236 3 108 0.98
txt2html-task 19246 18 310 0.98
pcre-make 15824 51 305 0.98
pcre-make-install 15823 4 353 0.98
commons-lang3 13211 390 0 0.97
google-guava 14322 405 4 0.97
objenesis 14395 221 129 0.98
openssl-make-test 10892 183 41 0.98
wsdl4j 6264 57 51 0.98
hamcrest-java 4858 90 41 0.97
tomcat-native-1.2-1.1.1-configure 6863 57 105 0.98
tomcat-native-1.2-1.1.1-make 6863 0 162 0.98
tomcat-native-1.2-1.1.1-make-install 6863 0 162 0.98
openssl-make-install 11468 145 221 0.97
tomcat-main-validate-eoln 4116 58 64 0.97
xalan 15271 33 385 0.97
commons-bcel 7437 231 39 0.96
tomcat-native-trunk-make 10619 136 224 0.97
tomcat-native-trunk-make-install 10619 0 360 0.97
commons-cli 18773 415 392 0.96
commons-daemon 18717 696 134 0.96
commons-exec 14532 574 0 0.96
commons-net 18647 682 228 0.95
tomcat-10.1.x 2009 4 84 0.96
commons-io 18614 687 263 0.95
commons-logging 18625 442 527 0.95
tomcat-tc9 5103 75 169 0.95
xz 13546 538 273 0.94
apr-configure 18180 285 1083 0.93
apr-make 18147 38 1363 0.93
apr-make-install 18147 0 1401 0.93
jakarta-bsf 18240 401 935 0.93
apache-httpd-buildconf 17943 9 1595 0.92
dist-ant 17949 1360 266 0.92
commons-beanutils 17847 616 1116 0.91
antunit-test 17108 1288 530 0.90
test-junit 15695 1497 183 0.90
tomcat-10.1.x-validate 1894 55 148 0.90
tomcat-tc9-validate 4843 217 289 0.91
tomcat-jk-native 11790 6 1348 0.90
tomcat-jk-native-buildconf 11793 7 1344 0.90
tomcat-jk-native-configure 11792 5 1347 0.90
tomcat-main-validate 3812 209 219 0.90
avalon-framework-api 3218 194 223 0.89
avalon-logkit 3221 211 206 0.89
tomcat-tc9-test-nio 4738 202 407 0.89
tomcat-tc9-test-nio2 4760 180 407 0.89
tomcat-10.1.x-test-nio 1834 127 136 0.87
apache-httpd-configure 16809 669 2073 0.86
checkstyle 16663 801 2117 0.85
tomcat-10.1.x-test-nio2 1784 177 136 0.85
tomcat-tc9-test-apr 4554 300 493 0.85
apache-httpd-make 16248 561 2742 0.83
apache-httpd-make-install 16248 0 3303 0.83
tomcat-main 3499 585 154 0.83
tomcat-main-test-nio 2919 545 773 0.69
tomcat-main-test-nio2 2828 636 773 0.67
test-ant 6015 11661 1895 0.31
antlr 0 1 0 0.00
bnd 0 0 0 0.00
cglib-nodep 0 0 0 0.00
easymock3 0 0 0 0.00
eclipse 0 42 0 0.00
hamcrest-java-library 0 0 0 0.00
jacoco 0 0 0 0.00
jaf 0 0 0 0.00
javamail 0 0 0 0.00
jaxrpc 0 0 0 0.00
jdepend 0 0 0 0.00
jsch 0 0 0 0.00
log4j-12 0 1 0 0.00
oro 0 0 0 0.00
saaj-api 0 0 0 0.00
unboundid 0 0 0 0.00

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Last Updated: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:00:04 ().Python Logo