Run| Workspace| Log| Issues| Fixes| Pre-reqs| Stats| XRef| Maven Repository Proxy Log Gump Logo
Module FOG Factor
apache-httpd 1.00
apr 1.00
apr-1 1.00
gump 1.00
openssl-1.1.1 1.00
openssl-3.2.x 1.00
openssl-master 1.00
pcre 1.00
tomcat-connectors-native 1.00
tomcat-native-1.3-1.1.1 1.00
tomcat-native-2.0-3.2.x 1.00
tomcat-native-trunk 1.00
xml-xerces2 1.00
commons-daemon 0.99
commons-net 0.98
tomcat-taglibs-parent 0.98
antlibs-antunit 0.97
commons-lang-trunk 0.97
jakarta-servletapi-5 0.97
junit 0.97
tomcat-taglibs 0.97
xz-java 0.97
commons-cli 0.96
commons-compress 0.96
objenesis 0.96
openssl-3.0.x 0.96
commons-bcel 0.94
easymock 0.94
tomcat-native-1.3-3.0.x 0.94
commons-io 0.93
commons-logging 0.90
jakarta-bsf 0.90
commons-exec 0.88
tomcat-migration 0.88
commons-beanutils 0.87
google-guava 0.83
ant 0.81
tomcat-11.0.x 0.78
tomcat-10.1.x 0.77
tomcat-tc9 0.76
tomcat-main 0.69
checkstyle 0.58
antlr 0.00
apache-attic 0.00
bnd 0.00
byte-buddy 0.00
commons-collections-3.x 0.00
derby 0.00
eclipse 0.00
hamcrest 0.00
jacoco 0.00
jaf 0.00
javamail 0.00
jaxrpc 0.00
jdepend 0.00
jsch 0.00
log4j-12 0.00
saaj-api 0.00
unboundid 0.00
wsdl4j 0.00
xml-xalan 0.00

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Last Updated: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:03 ().Python Logo