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Fast and flexible logging package for Java. For more information, see:

This is a packaged project, not Gumped.



Info This is a packaged project, location: /srv/gump/packages/log4j-12


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FOG Factor: 0.00
Dependency Depth: 0
Total Dependency Depth: 0
Successes: 0
Failures: 1
Prerequisite Failures: 0
Current State: Complete
Duration in state: 266
Start of state: 2024-05-21T12:00:03

Project-level Files

Name Type Path
list_log4j-12_dir1_log4j-12 Package /srv/gump/packages/log4j-12

Additional Details

For additional project details (including classpaths, dependencies) ...

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Last Updated: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 00:00:04 ().Python Logo